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Contact Us (614) 396-8703

Contact us to take the next step to improving your brain health and get a PreCODE or ReCODE Report.
Visit the  Apollo Health Patient Support Platform to learn more.
Apollo Health ReCode

Did you know?

82% of seniors say it is important to have their thinking or memory checked, but only 16% say they receive regular cognitive assessments. It is startling that more than half of the 5.4 million Americans with the disease have no idea they do.


The vast majority of people with Alzheimer’s are diagnosed with the condition after the age of 65, but clumps of amyloid protein can begin to build up in the brain some 15 or 20 years before symptoms appear. At The Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention Center of Central Ohio, Dr. Goulder is a certified provider of the ReCode Program in Columbus, Ohio, working to prevent Alzheimer's Disease.

For an initial consultation, please call (614) 412-0916

ReCODE - Prevention and Reversal of Dementia

The HASPC of Central Ohio in partnership with Complete Health Dentistry of Columbus

Dementia Prevention

"Science-based Prevention and Recovery for Brain Health"

ReCODE is the first-ever community around the prevention and reversal of cognitive decline. The community encompasses a professional care team of support staff that works with practitioners participating in the PreCODE and ReCODE programs. The ReCODE and PreCODE Reports are a proprietary implementation of the Bredesen Protocol, allowing practitioners and individuals to achieve unprecedented success in the prevention (PreCODE) and reversal (ReCODE) of cognitive decline. Through genetics, blood biomarkers, and a multi-modal reporting system, participants and their practitioners receive new prevention and treatment options for brain health optimization and the prevention of cognitive decline, and the reversal of the symptoms for those in the early-stage Alzheimer’s disease or to those experiencing cognitive decline. The Apollo Health mission is to reduce the global burden of dementia, and as a certified practitioner, Dr. Barb McClatchie in partnership with Dr. Eric Goulder is offering this cutting-edge prevention of dementia in Columbus, Ohio.

The Bredesen Protocol developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen is a comprehensive, personalized program to improve cognition and reverse the cognitive decline of subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and early Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Bredesen has outlined 36 metabolic factors that can trigger “downsizing” in the brain. Working with the results from the PreCODE and ReCODE Reports, the protocol shows us how to rebalance these factors using lifestyle modifications and a community of professionals.

Derived from the principles of the Bredesen Protocol, the ReCODE Program is designed for individuals who would like more resources to combat cognitive decline or the onset of cognitive decline. Utilizing Apollo Health’s ReCODE Report and Dr. Bredesen’s 30+ years of research, we can provide better and more precise outcomes of care, paired with our community of PreCODE and ReCODE certified practitioners, specialists, health coaches, and nutritionists.

Alzheimer’s Prevention
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